
Some rock formations take millions of years to come together. In the case of Andy Waldeck and Joe Lawlor, their 40-year partnership has yielded musical elements of hard rock, heavy metal, funk metal, soul, and funk rock. Time and pressure have tested and changed their musical collaboration and their friendship, but like the orbit of our third rock around the sun, Andy and Joe took the long way and ended up back where they started: brothers in axe, writing music with no boundaries. Welcome to THE LONGWAY, a partnership written in stone.

“The minute you meet Michael Coleman, you get a clear sense of his charisma. Free Union, led by Coleman, makes songs that bring people, ideas and musical styles together. Since teaming up with drummer Rob Dunnenberger, the band has grown in size, scope and ambition, but its message and goal remains the same.” -Stephen Kallao, World Cafe, NPR

Free Union is a Charlottesville, Virginia-based collective led by Michael Coleman.

$17 - Advance $20 - Doors